Tag Archives: Puffin Books

Lady Daisy by Dick King-Smith

One from my childhood that I had to read again! When Ned helps his Gran turn out the attic, he finds a non-descript shoebox hiding in a corner. Imagine his suprise then when he opens the box and finds a gorgeous Victorian doll inside! How did she get into the attic though? Why was she hidden away? And why can

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The Worst Witch by Jill Murphy

A modern classic today for 5-8 readers! Mildred Hubble is the Worst Witch for a reason. She’s clumsy, her spells always go wrong and even her cat isn’t right – he’s scared of heights and is a lovely grey tabby, rather than the traditional black! This doesn’t stop Mildred though, as she studies with her best friend Maud at Miss

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52 Puffins! Sidekicks Galore!

Just spotted this over on the Puffin blog! 52 Puffins is basically a celebration of the sidekicks of the children’s fiction and readers can nominate their favourites, complete with pictures! Today’s favourite supporting chappy is Tabby, ‘The Worst Witch’ Mildred Hubble’s cat. This poor puss cat is, like his owner, not the best suited to witchdom. He’s a tabby for

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid; The Third Wheel – Sneaky Peeks and official trailers!

Who likes Wimpy Kid? *listens to the world roar* Publisher: Puffin Books ISBN: 9780141344980 Published: 14/11/2012 How have I only just found these? The biggest book for kids this YEAR, and I only just find these trailers for it? My Google-fu must be on the blink. No mad ninja book-blogging skillz for me… Anyway, take a gander at these trailers

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The Bog Baby by Jeanne Willis

Got some bits and pieces in the works, something non-reviewy and more bookish. A couple of publishers have prompted me to do some research so I’ve got to get that together – in the meantime, have a cute little Bog Baby 🙂 Publisher: Puffin Books, image above used with their permission ISBN: 9780141500300 Published: 1/5/2008 Two little girls go out

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